Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Craxxxxy Weekend

ALOHA! How was your weekend? Mine was...... awesome. It's all started from Friday. Natha and Dondo went to my house, we laughed about everything! And then Naomi came too. Then Natha had this great idea, so finally we're having a sleep over at Naomi's house.
Akhirnya I asked my parents about this sleep over thing and they agreed. So at first, kita ke rumah Natha buat ngambil baju-baju dia sama Mac Book. Then we went to FM because we were hungry. Waktu di FM, tiba-tiba aja si Mato, Yefta, Calvin, Hansen, Burki, dan banyak banget pada nyamperin gitu-_-_-, akhirnya si Mato sama Yefta gabung. It was soooooooooo awkward, lol. Terus si Rawi juga dateng. Abis itu makan blablabla segala macem, Mato sama Yefta balik, nyokapnya Rawi dateng, kita semua ke rumah Naomi deh. Di rumah Naomi, we watched Mean Girls 2 and as usual, I fell asleep HAHAHA. Then I woke up when they laughed-_-. Iya, emang yang mereka ketawain itu konyol abis. I can't tell you what we were laughing about tapi beneran deh, it was sooooo fucknny. Then we slept at about 2p.m.
Besoknya, we woke up at about 8a.m., dan BB gue udah rame sama BBMs. One of those BBMs was from Kevin William Portibiraja Simanjuntak, he asked me, "Emang mau jalan jam berapa?" WOOHOOOOOO. I asked Natha to join and she was sooooooooo confused. I begged her and finally she agreed \m/
And then my dad picked me up right at 10a.m. Terus si Natha sama Rawi juga balik. Akhirnya jam setengah 3-an, si Kiwil jemput Dondo, terus Natha, terus gue, terus kita jalan ke PIM. We ate at food court, terus gue sama Natha window shopping sedangkan Dondo sama Kiwil dengan sabar nungguin & ngikutin kita dari belakang lol they're the best guys. Kenapa cuma window shopping? Karena ngga ada baju yang pas buat kami huhuhu T_T
Terus tiba-tiba ketemu Edlyn sama Nathan di XXI PIM 2!!!!!!!! Dan mereka tiba-tiba ngebahas Ardes........... lalala. And then gue, Natha, Dondo, sama Kiwil nonton London Boulevard right at 7.15p.m. Oke itu film agak-agak susah, mesti mikir dulu, yang jelas Keira Knightley was soooooooo hot. I fuckin' love her eyes and her hair. Abis nonton, Kiwil ngajakin makan bareng David HW tapi tempatnya ngga jelas dimana jadi batal. Terus akhirnya Kiwil nganter gue, Natha, sama Dondo balik. Well again, thank you for the ride. I owe you, two times!
Seriously, this weekend is sparkling. And yeah,
"Today was a fairy tale,
I wore a dress, you wore a dark grey t-shirt"